Monday, May 11, 2009

'Precognition' Formal Evaluation - John Burton

I and my team mate have made a 2 minute opening sequence from a fictional feature film called ‘Precognition’. In the sequence that we have filmed, the protagonist is killed by a hooded killer. At the end of the clip, the protagonist wakes up, revealing the image of his murder to be a nightmare. My roles included filming, storyboarding and editing.

The film is a psychological Thriller hybrid with elements of horror. In the sequence, the characters conflict is caused by his emotional and physical stress. The character is beaten by his killer until he dies and in the film, would become emotional and paranoid due to his repeated visions of his death. A horror film may involve themes of death, mental illness and the supernatural. The word ‘Precognition’ is when a person is able to perceive information about a place or event before it happens. The aim of the sequence was to appeal to the genres audience by invoking fear and shock into them. They were supposed to be affected by what they see.

In the audience testing, the audience all suggested that the genre of the film was horror, so appealing to fans of the horror genre worked as they also recognised the thriller genre. A mix is sometimes vital to keep the audience entertained and offer something different. The audience also said that the sequences music was effective in creating suspense due to its low ominous tone.
The effects we added are also something different in the editing as they were at times extreme. We also used black and white to confuse time for the audience and make create a sense of tension and disorder in the story. The link below is the ‘Pi’ (1998, Darren Aronofsky) trailer from You Tube:

‘Pi’, one of our influences was filmed with a high contrast and black and white effect. This idea, we implemented into our sequence. In the film, the protagonist is a paranoid, suffering from migraines, and tries to calm himself down with medicine. If we were to film more of the sequence, we would have had the protagonist in our sequence take medicine also to calm himself down from his paranoia of his nightmares. The protagonist in ‘Pi’ suffers from emotional and physical stress, which is where our idea came for our story.

Another influence was ‘Psycho’ (1960, Alfred Hitchcock), especially the shower scene:

Psycho is a black and white film. Although unable to be a colour film at the time, this scene was effective because it was hard to see the killers face. This idea was used in our sequence.

Our first shot (below) is a shot of the protagonist. He is walking down the alley, peacefully on his own. However, this shot is also dull and dreary, showing a depressing feel to the opening. At first we thought we should have filmed an establishing shot, but as this sequence is a nightmare, we decided to jump straight in, which is something different.

After a long, quiet and peaceful first shot, the sequence cuts to an over the shoulder shot of a dark, hooded figure, watching the protagonist walk past (below). We decided that the character would be wearing dark clothes to show his dark personality, and gang culture. We also decided to film this character throughout with a shot not revealing his face so that the audience don’t know who he is and to show his confused identity.

To tell the audience the credits and to show that it would be a real film, we added captions. We decided to add them early on to disrupt the sequence and confuse the audience to what happened in previous shots.

At times in the sequence, we added one second shots of the protagonists face, appearing possessed. This was to confuse and disorientate the audience. This also showed the horror genre and was used to scare the audience.

The shot below is point of view from the killer of the killers hand about to grab the protagonist. Our inspiration for this came from the videogame ‘Doom’, which is a horror game with a first person perspective.

The shot below shows the killers violent attack on the protagonist. This is to show the killers ferocity and the helplessness of the protagonist. It also appears that someone is watching them through the trees.

The coloured shot below shows the protagonist waking up, revealing the initial sequence to be a nightmare. The shot was also used to shock audiences due to the protagonists gasp after the quiet and slow shots before. An enigma is also set as the audience wonders why he has had the nightmare and that it is important to the story because it happens in the opening.

We have represented different social groups in the sequence. The most dominant is men and women. We decided that the victim and killer should be male, as males are seen as more violent and so more believable as a killer. A female victim or killer would offer something different but would be a little to extreme and shocking for the audience. The killer wears all black and worn clothes showing his uncontrollable personality. The point of view shot from the killer showing his hand has a blurry effect, showing his dark and inhuman side.

Another social group represented is young people. Young people are seen as more violent and unruly than older people. We decided that the victim was to be young, to challenge stereotypes, and the killer to be older. Class is also represented. The sequence is set in a run down back alley, suitable for the working class character who wears casual clothes and a run down area is suitable for violence, as it is associated with.

We would want the film to be British, made by a British production company, starring British actors with British crew. We looked at production companies of similar films ‘Psycho’ and ‘Pi’ and found that they were too American. We then looked at DNA Films, the distribution company of ’28 Days Later’ and ’28 Weeks Later’. These are films with a similar style of our film and DNA Films is the only full British company we found that is suitable. The homepage is:

The film would appeal to fans of the horror and thriller genres. It would appeal to mostly male fans of around 16-25 due to the violence, and fans with a special interest in the supernatural. It would ideally appeal to worldwide audiences as well as British audiences as it will offer something different to usual British films. This is why it would appeal to a British company as it would appeal to a wider range of audience. A British company is right for the budget as British films budgets are usually low.

We have learnt during filming about blogs, you tube and how to use and research from them. This project has allowed us to embed video clips to show our progress and allowed us to use effective editing in creating an effective opening sequence. If we had more time, we would have spent more time editing, being more creative with shots and added more effects to speed up the violence.

Precognition Evaluation-Jamie Sumner

Thursday, May 7, 2009

From our Audience Response we learnt that some key shots and clips worked well to keep the audience interested and was able to outline the narrative, also that the non-diegetic soundtrack helped keep the audience in suspense. However they thought that the murder scene was a little too long and could have been made a little shorter to keep the audiences attention but that the slow motion used was used to good effect. Overall they thought that the scene was really effective and well produced but could make slight changes to help keep audience attention.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Have filmed more and chosen sound clips to add. We have filmed the character walking up from th nightmare in his house, which we will add in 2 second bursts. We have also started to add credits.


Have done most of the edting now for the sequence. I Have put some things in slow motion to make it look more realistic and added effects to make it look more like a nightmare. I have also cut some more to take it down to the required time. - JB

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Idea

We have changed our idea for the opening seuence. The new idea is easier and more realistic. We do not need to film again, because the main character will still get beaten up, but in the present day. This sequence will be edited in black and white, as it will be a nightmare. We will also film shots of the characters hands and face. The opening sequence now is the main characters vision or nightmare of his death. An audience will be confused, but the opening sequence will do what it should, which is to establish the main character, time and place.

The whole film is about the main characters battle with his sanity, as he has numerous visions like the same first nightmare. The main character will have to find out why it is happening and whether it will happen, for he has no idea when or where it will happen.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Film Synopsis

So far, the film is about a guy who becomes mentally unstable after being attacked in his youth. At certain moments he becomes involunatarily angry and has urges to hurt people and kill them. To combat this he tries to take drugs which help him to keep stable. As he battles with his demons we are taken on an emotional ride through his traumatic ordeal. When he looses his fight with insanity and voices in his head he kills a woman, then confused with feelings of guilt and hatred proceeds to comit homicide of his family and him self.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Feedback 23.3.09

Lads, you now need to upload your storyboard and get filming. Any incomplete research etc should be finished from home. You have 4 weeks left so by now you should be getting your footage. You will need at least 2 weeks to edit so aim to have all your footage and some rough editing done by Easter (2 weeks).
Mrs Abell

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Preliminary Task

Evaluation: For our prelim task we had to film a short clip featuring shot, reverse shot of two characters having a short discussion. For interest purposes we decided to do film with a James Bond theme. Handheld camera was an idea that we had however after filming we thought it was a little too shaky.  However the Handheld camera can have its uses for other films such as Drama Documentary or Thriller, this type of filming is mainly seen in these films to create realism. The Shot, Reverse Shot looked very effective and we could use this again when making another film. In Editing we had a problem when we were cutting some film out of the clip it would add the onto the end of the clip, we solved this as it was a fault with the program so we closed the program and opened it again. If we could do this task again we would make the short film longer, and also record more film so that we could edit it down better. 

In conclusion, this task was beneficial as we learnt more about editing as well as filming. From this task we can learn from our mistakes and cut them out and not make the same mistakes when filming our next short film.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Feedback 16.3.09

Lads, you have still not produced much research! There are three clips but no analyses - why are these clips there? Where's your audience research?
Prelim task - this needs posting on here when complete and evaluating. Consider what you have learnt from this task. What works/doesn't work? Why? What would you do differently?
You should by now have finished the prelim and your research and be busy planning to be filming next week. This project needs much more work and time dedicated to it!
Mrs Abell

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I chose to add this clip to my blog as the idea we have for our film is loosely based on the character Norman Bates. Our idea is about a unstable character who hears voices in his head, similar to Norman Bates who hears his mother. This famous scene conveys how insane he is and how the use of handheld camera can be effective in creating emotion among audience members.

Pi Opening Sequence

The Opening sequence to the film creates enigmas for the audience and gave my group ideas. The scene is very effective to watch and bombards your senses using fast paced montage editing. Yet again handheld camera is effectively used to again create emotion and give enigmas of insanity and intensity. 

Research - Films

We have watched various films of the genres we are going to be drawing influence from. We have watched Psycho, Seven, Pi and The Hulk. An idea that we have, inspired by The Hulk, was to have a character take drugs to control anger and psychotic feelings. Another idea was inspired by Psycho, involving the character hearing voices tempting him or her to murder. 

Feedback 11.3.09

For week 3 of your projects this is unacceptable. You have not given any detail about your initial ideas, outlined any details about your target audience or started any research. Please see the research task sheet on moodle and divide the tasks equally. All your research should have been completed by now! I need to see significant progress on this by the end of the week. You should be planning the project ind etail by now and preparingto film next week but you are miles away from this at the moment.
(Mrs A)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Preliminary Task

Today we have started our preliminary task and have started filming the task, we have created a storyboard, and have used match on action to create this short clip. In the clip we had to include a character opening a door, and then coming into the room, who then initiates a conversation with another character.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Initial ideas, we had an idea of making a stalker thriller about a phantom face that made people go insane. We decided that this could not be done as it would take to long to make the CGI effective.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Today we have discussed what roles we are to play in the production and also what the production will be about. We have decided on the genre of horror.