Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Film Synopsis

So far, the film is about a guy who becomes mentally unstable after being attacked in his youth. At certain moments he becomes involunatarily angry and has urges to hurt people and kill them. To combat this he tries to take drugs which help him to keep stable. As he battles with his demons we are taken on an emotional ride through his traumatic ordeal. When he looses his fight with insanity and voices in his head he kills a woman, then confused with feelings of guilt and hatred proceeds to comit homicide of his family and him self.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Feedback 23.3.09

Lads, you now need to upload your storyboard and get filming. Any incomplete research etc should be finished from home. You have 4 weeks left so by now you should be getting your footage. You will need at least 2 weeks to edit so aim to have all your footage and some rough editing done by Easter (2 weeks).
Mrs Abell

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Preliminary Task

Evaluation: For our prelim task we had to film a short clip featuring shot, reverse shot of two characters having a short discussion. For interest purposes we decided to do film with a James Bond theme. Handheld camera was an idea that we had however after filming we thought it was a little too shaky.  However the Handheld camera can have its uses for other films such as Drama Documentary or Thriller, this type of filming is mainly seen in these films to create realism. The Shot, Reverse Shot looked very effective and we could use this again when making another film. In Editing we had a problem when we were cutting some film out of the clip it would add the onto the end of the clip, we solved this as it was a fault with the program so we closed the program and opened it again. If we could do this task again we would make the short film longer, and also record more film so that we could edit it down better. 

In conclusion, this task was beneficial as we learnt more about editing as well as filming. From this task we can learn from our mistakes and cut them out and not make the same mistakes when filming our next short film.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Feedback 16.3.09

Lads, you have still not produced much research! There are three clips but no analyses - why are these clips there? Where's your audience research?
Prelim task - this needs posting on here when complete and evaluating. Consider what you have learnt from this task. What works/doesn't work? Why? What would you do differently?
You should by now have finished the prelim and your research and be busy planning to be filming next week. This project needs much more work and time dedicated to it!
Mrs Abell

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I chose to add this clip to my blog as the idea we have for our film is loosely based on the character Norman Bates. Our idea is about a unstable character who hears voices in his head, similar to Norman Bates who hears his mother. This famous scene conveys how insane he is and how the use of handheld camera can be effective in creating emotion among audience members.

Pi Opening Sequence

The Opening sequence to the film creates enigmas for the audience and gave my group ideas. The scene is very effective to watch and bombards your senses using fast paced montage editing. Yet again handheld camera is effectively used to again create emotion and give enigmas of insanity and intensity. 

Research - Films

We have watched various films of the genres we are going to be drawing influence from. We have watched Psycho, Seven, Pi and The Hulk. An idea that we have, inspired by The Hulk, was to have a character take drugs to control anger and psychotic feelings. Another idea was inspired by Psycho, involving the character hearing voices tempting him or her to murder. 

Feedback 11.3.09

For week 3 of your projects this is unacceptable. You have not given any detail about your initial ideas, outlined any details about your target audience or started any research. Please see the research task sheet on moodle and divide the tasks equally. All your research should have been completed by now! I need to see significant progress on this by the end of the week. You should be planning the project ind etail by now and preparingto film next week but you are miles away from this at the moment.
(Mrs A)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Preliminary Task

Today we have started our preliminary task and have started filming the task, we have created a storyboard, and have used match on action to create this short clip. In the clip we had to include a character opening a door, and then coming into the room, who then initiates a conversation with another character.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Initial ideas, we had an idea of making a stalker thriller about a phantom face that made people go insane. We decided that this could not be done as it would take to long to make the CGI effective.